

International Speaker Program Management

TransMed through its CME programs creates a unique platform for gaining the most up-to-date knowledge in new medical and surgical methods, based on scientific studies and evidence-based medical practices. We bring together world’s most knowledgeable and qualified faculty who are the best in their fields and passionate about education.

TransMed has network of more than 10,000 physicians across 30 countries in all major medical specialties. We work closely with top physicians and KOL (Key Opinion Leaders) in United States and Europe, roping them on advisory of TrasMed TransMed manages International speakers by bringing them to India and Asia Pacific to speak on the latest topics in the form of CME/Workshop. These speakers are primarily involved in leading ongoing international trials and provide the insight and latest clinical outcomes to benefit of the Medical fraternity in India and Asia Pacific region.

Physicians 10,000

Countries 30



International Conference Coverage

TransMed possesses media rights for major International conferences in almost all specialties, thus making us your one stop media partners

TransMed helps you keep a track on the molecules of your interest through presentation done in international conferences

Conference coverage provided in the form of First-to-Inform activity, CD-ROM and booklets

Speakers' bureau research and management to help you identify the best speaking opportunities and get you and your customers a place at the podium.

International Courses

TransMed has the capabilities to create need bases courses as per the needs of the industry and get them endorsed by the most reputed societies in the world like, ESH, BCS, ESC etc. These courses are module based certified programs which add value to any HCP and helps him / her gain access to latest and most comprehensive information across the globe.

Train the Trainer programs

TransMed with its excellent tip ups with Universities and various global societies can conduct a customized workshop to help Train the best brains in India. TransMed will arrange for the experts from leading international societies to the destination of choice and will conduct a detailed workshop which will be interactive and will have excellent opportunity to learn and share for the attending KOLs. At the end of the training program, each participant will be certified as Trainers or Faculty by the society.

Article writing and publications

TransMed with its team of Medical experts, helps HCP to write articles on which they have done research or have experience. These articles are made as per the guidelines of various national / international journals and are put for publication. This helps them a great deal not only to showcase their work but also in getting fellowships in the near future.



Having international membership is a honour and very prestigious for any Health care professional. TransMed facilitates clients to get the membership which in turn offers multiple benefits to the HCP. On obtaining the membership status the person would be getting access to range of high quality publications and journal(s). He / she would get opportunity to share knowledge and information with the world. Excellent discounts are on offer to the Annual conferences and other education material. In addition to this they would also be awarded a Membership Certificate and specially designed monthly newsletter or updates by media partner TransMed.



Mobile Applications For Healthcare

TransMed with its mobile devices and apps helps better data integration by providing many benefits for Health Care Professionals. Perhaps most significantly increases access to point-of-care tools, which has been shown to support better clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes.

KOL Personal Websites

TransMed has expertise in developing company recommended KOL websites. These websites are designed, developed, hosted & maintained by us.

These websites shall have regular updates dynamic admin panel as well as support of TransMed staff.

CME through Video Conferencing

TransMed with emerging technologies in IT deliver need based and high end Continuing Medical Education to clinicians via videoconferencing. It has helped intervene with national and international physicians to share vital information without complexities and instantly.